Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. The relationship between a shepherd and his sheep is probably the most common metaphor used in the Bible to describe the relationship between God and his people. While there may be many shepherds within the church there is only one Good Shepherd, and that is Jesus Christ.
April 14, 2024 Third Sunday of Easter
April 7, 2024 Second Sunday of Easter
March 28, 2024 Maundy Thursday
This is the night Jesus gave us the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The bread and the wine mysteriously do become his precious broken body and poured out blood. These are now signs of his suffering love for us. These are now the means by which we are strengthened in this world to continue to love despite our problems, and trials, and sufferings, and failures. God’s grace is literally given and poured into us. This is the way to that life on the other side of suffering.