Mobilizing Austrians for Jesus & Sharing God’s Powerful & Sufficient Work
Hello All,
Life has been pretty busy the last while with some cool ministry happening. I wanted to update you all quickly on some of the things that have been happening and some upcoming stuff.
Ministry Highlights:
Praise Camp: Thank you all for your prayers for Praise Camp in January. It was a really cool time and we were able to have some great conversations with so many of our students. It has been cool to follow up with them over the past few months and continue to build off of that experience.
Youth Lead Church Service: Another cool thing that happened was the Innsbruck Senior High Youth Group (Jugend in Bewegung [JIB]) planned and executed a youth church service where they organized everything from decorations to the program, to testimonies and the worship and food. We leaders assisted different teams, but the kids did all the work. And there ended up being 90 youth who showed up from all across Tirol (the region) including some Teenies (middle schoolers) from the group I help with in Reutte. They were so encouraged by it!
Work: I had some really cool trips this past spring as well - I got to go to the First 4 Years Retreat and meet with others from our organization who are also in their first 4 years of long-term service with RG. It was really encouraging. I also was able to do some professional development via Life Mapping from Listen to My Life, which was a really cool way to look at life and evaluate how I can best steward the time, talents, and experiences that God has given me.
Personal: My family has got some big events coming up (a graduation and two weddings), so I will be back and forth to the US a few times. I was back briefly in April for a surprise trip paired with my sister’s graduation. In addition, I will be back briefly at the beginning of June in Ligonier, but then will be back a bit longer in early/mid August for a wedding and then some visiting. Pray for me and for quick adjustments to jet-lag especially while back in Austria!
I’ve had some really cool progress in my mentorships as well as some intentional time with 2 middle schoolers this Spring. I have been encouraged and look forward to seeing what God will continue to do. Also, I had a God-appointed meeting with a young lady 2 weeks ago, where were both in a location that we normally weren’t and she was having some significant things happening in her life. It was a blessing to be able to sit down with her and support her by being present.
Prayer Requests:
Pray for English Camp: We have all our staff (Praise the Lord!) and pray for us as we finish curriculum and projects as well as for all other preparations that are happening. Pray for us, as well as for the kids that they would be open and that the Lord would work through us in July.
Pray for the Proclamation of the Gospel:
in the churches in Innsbruck and the region of Tirol
in my church (the Freikirche Pradl) that has been going through some pretty big changes and challenges.
In our neighborhoods
Thank you all so much for partnering with me in so many ways! I couldn’t do this without you!
Anni Kenyon