An Update from the Discernment Committee

Your discernment committee is making progress in our rector search and is on target to make a recommendation to the vestry soon.  The face-to-face candidate interview process is complete. A parish visit is scheduled for next Sunday. Please pray for Cindy, Jay and Lisa as they facilitate that next step. The final steps in the process will be conducting a thorough background check and a meeting with the bishop. Please pray for St. Michael's that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide our parish in this process.


The Discernment Committee

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St. Michael's of the Valley

St. Michael's has been celebrating the faith and practices of the Episcopal Church since 1949. Our services combine the traditional rites of worship with a welcoming, relaxed environment. We have a strong presence in the local community and have worthy outreach programs in our local area, as well as internationally.


St. Michael's is a joyful worshipping community, celebrating the faith and practice of The Episcopal Church. Our services combine the traditional rites of worship with a welcoming, relaxed environment. We are always happy to welcome visitors, new neighbors, the curious, and people looking for a community of faith.