Salvaation Army Angel Tree Tags
It’s Angel Tree Time
The Salvation Army of Western Pennsylvania wants to ensure everyone feels the special joy surrounding the Christmas season. This is why The Salvation Army provides thousands of children and individuals with Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, winter coats, clothing, toys and gifts at this time of year.
One of the programs we use to accomplish the giving of toys and gifts as well as providing hope and Christmas joy to individuals and families in need is The Salvation Army Angel Tree Program. After twenty years of “Giving Children a Christmas to Treasure” as the Treasures for Children program, we are excited to return to our Salvation Army roots and embrace the term Angel Tree once again.
Through The Salvation Army Angel Tree Program, donors become personally involved because they know each tag represents a specific child in need. The Salvation Army is able to identify families in need of assistance through its Worship and Service Centers, Services Centers, Service Units and referrals from other community organizations.
St. Michael’s will once again be participating in the Salvation Army Angel Tree Project. We will have tags with specific gift wishes available after both services on Sunday, November 10th.