2025 Lenten Program
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5th.
The topic at our Simple Suppers beginning on Wednesday, March 12th will be ‘forgiveness’. We will use a book by Dennis R. Maynard entitled, “Forgive and Get Your Life Back.” Maynard has been an Episcopal priest for over 50 years and he wrote this book as a compilation of what he learned about forgiveness from the perspective of a priest. He concludes that forgiveness is a process, not just a desire or a one-time statement. There are five step in the process of forgiving someone, similar to the five stages of grief. Sharing the book together will give us the opportunity to better understand God’s plan for forgiveness and to share our own experiences. Wherever I’ve used this book it has been greatly received. It may also help clarify common misunderstandings about forgiveness.
Forgiveness is central to the Christian faith and why God came to us as a fellow human being. Jesus taught and showed us how to forgive those who hurt us. Forgiveness is essential in the expression of Christian love and mercy, it is necessary for healing and reconciliation. But extending forgiveness is only one side of the equation. The other is knowing when to ask for forgiveness and having the courage to do so. Guilt can be a heavy burden, even for things done many years ago. So, please plan to join us on Wednesdays during Lent for supper, fellowship, and meaningful conversation.
by Rev. Marjorie Bevans