What is the Altar Guild and What Do They Do?

Have your ever noticed that when you arrived on Sunday for worship that the hangings are green and the next Sunday it is white, or red, or purple. The changing of colors signifies our place in the Church year, or our different seasons and the members of the Altar Guild are responsible for making the change.

The ministry of the Altar Guild is to prepare the altar area for all worship services to the glory of God. This includes Sunday worship, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and healing services. The members set up the Altar area with the proper vessels and linens to enable the deliverance of the Eucharist as well as cleaning up between and after all services.

  • White is the color symbolizing joy and purity - Christmas and Easter

  • Red symbolizes fire and blood - Palm Sunday and Pentecost

  • Purple symbolizes penitence and reflection - Lent and Advent

  • Green is the color of growth and all of God’s creations better known as “ordinary time.”

The Altar Guild, although mostly “behind the scenes”, is an uplifting ministry and a wonderful way to serve God.

If you are interested in serving on the Altar Guild, or have any questions, please contact Cindy Purnell @ (724) 238-9235 or Nancy Rost @ (724) 238-0476.